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Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery
Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery in La Crosse
Our Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery team in La Crosse, Wisconsin, offers medical and cosmetic services, including in-office surgical hand procedures typically performed in the operating room elsewhere.
The board-certified team will take the time to listen to you, and answer your questions and consult with physicians from other specialties to provide complete, comprehensive medical care to help you feel like yourself and build your confidence. We aim to help you create a look so good it feels natural and improves confidence.
Plastic and reconstructive services include:
- Body surgery, such as contouring, skin removal and liposuction
- Breast surgery, such as reduction, augmentation (enhancement), lifting and fat grafting
- Facial surgery, such as eyebrow lift and scar revision
- Hand and upper extremity surgery, including carpal tunnel syndrome release
- Cosmetic procedures, such as dermal fillers and Botox
- Reconstruction of the breasts, chest, face, ears, hands, arms, legs and cancer-related nose reconstruction

700 West Ave. S., La Crosse, WI 54601- Appointments:
- 608-392-9822
- Hours:
- Mon-Fri:8:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Not all treatments, tests and services are available at all Mayo Clinic Health System locations. Check with your preferred location in advance.