Mayo Clinic Health System
Dale Scholar Program
The Dale Scholar Program offers a unique opportunity for eligible students to secure post-graduation employment at Mayo Clinic Health System, the No. 1 employer in Wisconsin according to Forbes, and receive financial awards that may be used at your full discretion for use as you deem appropriate.
Dale Scholar Program participants will join a top-tier healthcare organization that is values-driven, committed to providing the safest, highest quality care to our patients, and dedicated to supporting the well-being and advancement of our staff.
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About the program
The Dale Scholar Program is administered by the Academic Workforce Development Workgroup. There will be an annual review to assess the program's status. Although it intends to continue the Dale Scholar Program indefinitely, Mayo Clinic Health System reserves the right to discontinue or change the program at any time to better accomplish the program’s objectives or to meet changing circumstances.
Funding for the Dale Scholar Program is made possible by the generosity of Vernon and Earline Dale through the Vernon F. Dale Charitable Trust. Vernon Dale was an industrialist and entrepreneur who founded several businesses in western Wisconsin, located primarily on Brice Prairie in Onalaska. During his lifetime, Mr. Dale set up a charitable trust that, upon his death in 1976, began to generate investment earnings in support of 31 charitable organizations, with the largest single beneficiary being Mayo Clinic Health System in southwest Wisconsin.
For more information about the Dale Scholar Program at Mayo Clinic Health System in southwest Wisconsin, email mchsswwidalescho@mayo.edu.