Journey to Wellness:
Brain exercise
Brain exercise
Exercise Your Brain
Just like physical fitness is good for your body, cognitive fitness can help keep your brain active and increase its vitality. Participating in mentally stimulating activities can help slow memory decline and lower your risk of developing Alzheimer's disease or other dementias.
- Get the Exercise Your Brain educational sheet (PDF).
Group tip: Print a copy for each group member or share this sheet electronically. - Get the Brain Games activity sheet (PDF).
Print the activity sheet or save it to your desktop to digitally track. It can be used individually or as a group. Here are some ideas for using this with a group:- Reward group members who check off all the brain games. Perhaps you give successful participants a prize or enter them into a prize drawing.
- Have group members teach brain games to those who aren't familiar with them.
- Challenge group members t o brain game races. For example, make copies of the same Sudoku puzzle and see who can complete it first.
- Find an accountability partner or small group to ensure you are following through. Discuss which games you like best.
Blog posts
- Boost your brain with boredom
- Cognitive overload: When processing information becomes a problem
- Maximize memory function with a nutrient-rich diet
- Tips to keep your brain healthy