Build healthy habits.
Many aspects of health contribute to your wellness, including:
- Eating well
- Getting enough exercise, sleep and water
- Maintaining good health through prevention
- Ridding yourself of stress
- Discovering your passions
While building a new habit takes over 31 days, this monthlong program can help you get the jump-start you need. All month, you will learn more about these aspects of wellness and work toward building new habits. By participating, you will have time to focus on your well-being, identify things in your health journey that you are doing well and look for opportunities to improve.
This program is geared toward people age 16 and older.
Get started today
Download the calendar to get started. Print it or save it to your desktop to electronically check off activities.
The calendar outlines your daily activities and provides a place to track your participation. Daily, you will record if you got enough sleep, exercise and water intake, express gratitude and complete the daily activity. See below for more details about each daily activity.
This is a virtual program, so complete the activities when it works best for your schedule. If you can't complete an activity on the assigned day but can do so a few days later, it's OK to complete it later and still check off the box.
Daily activities
To learn more about each daily activity, consult the details listed below by week.
Week 1: Daily activities
Day 1: Write down three goals for the month
Look over the calendar, set a plan, schedule your exercise times and write down three goals you hope to get out of this month's program. Sometimes, when you write things down, it helps you stay focused and more committed. Set SMART goals ― specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and time-bound.
Day 2: Try a new fruit or vegetable
Sometimes, you get stuck eating the same foods in the same way. Expand your pallet and try a new fruit or vegetable, or prepare one of your favorites differently.
- Watch "Eat a Rainbow of Produce."
- Watch "Mayo Clinic Minute: The 411 on Frozen Fruits and Vegetables."
- Read "My road to better health — eat well."
Day 3: Take a walk or bike ride
Finding ways to move your body throughout the day is good for your physical and mental health, can improve learning, memory and cognitive function, and can be fun.
- Watch "Mayo Clinic Minute: 6 Tips to Keep You Motivated for Exercise."
- Read "My road to better health — move daily."
- Read "5 tips for walking your way to better health."
Day 4: Read for pleasure for at least 30 minutes
Reading can improve memory and intelligence, reduce stress and develop empathy. However, making time to read for pleasure can be difficult, so set a time each day to make it happen.
Day 5: Rethink your drink
Infuse your water with fruits or vegetables. There are several benefits to drinking water and staying hydrated, but sometimes, plain water can be boring. Adding fruits or vegetables to your water might help you drink more.
- Watch "Mayo Clinic Minute: How Much Water Should You Drink?"
- Watch "Rethink Your Drink: Beware of Hidden Sugar."
- Read "Tips for drinking more water."
- Try a recipe for infused water.
Day 6: Get connected
Have coffee with a friend, take a walk with a co-worker, or find a way to connect face-to-face with someone.
Day 7: Plan your meals
Meal planning can save time, money, stress and calories and help you eat a balanced and nutritious meal. Find time today to plan meals for a week.
Week 2: Daily activities
Day 8: Perform a random act of kindness
Did you know that performing kind gestures not only benefits the person who receives, but also it benefits the person who is performing the gesture? Research shows that people who give of themselves tend to be physically and mentally healthier. Finding simple ways to perform small acts of kindness throughout the day can help make the world a more positive, happy and healthier place.
Day 9: Unplug, turn off technology at least 30 minutes before sleep
The light from your phone or other devices can interfere with sleep by sending stimulating signals to your brain, suppressing your natural sleep hormone, and making it hard to relax, fall, and stay asleep.
- Watch "8 Reasons Healthy Sleep Should Be Nonnegotiable"
- Watch "Not Sleeping Well? This Might Be Why."
- Watch "Mayo Clinic Minute: Tips for Better Sleep."
- Read "My road to better health — sleep."
Day 10: Spend time in nature
Did you know that spending time outdoors can boost your immunity, reduce stress and give you more energy? Spend time appreciating nature today. Be active by walking, hiking, biking or fishing, or be still and enjoy the beauty around you.
Day 11: Make a grocery list before you shop. Check Nutrition Facts labels before you buy
Plan for what you need from the grocery store to help you be organized, save money and time and make healthier decisions. Be aware of misleading nutritional claims on packages. Reading Nutrition Facts labels can help you make healthy eating choices.
- Watch "Mayo Clinic Minute: How to Read the New Nutrition Facts Label."
- Watch "10 Mayo Clinic Diet-Approved Items to Put on Your List."
- Read "Tips for eating healthy on a budget."
- Read "Slideshow: 10 great health foods."
Day 12: Perform yoga or gentle stretching
There are many types of yoga practices. You can even perform yoga or gentle stretches while sitting in your chair.
- Watch "Mayo Clinic Minute: Yoga Helps Mind and Body."
- Watch "Yoga Therapy: Relieve Pain, Manage Stress."
- Read "Mayo Clinic Q&A: The health benefits of yoga."
Day 13: Schedule preventive care
Routine checkups are a smart tool for preventing or finding potential health issues before they become a bigger problem. Ensure you have scheduled preventive care appointments, including physical and dental exams and vaccinations.
Day 14: Be grateful
When you take time to focus on what is good in your life, it can help you become more positive, which improves your physical and mental health. For today, pause, notice and appreciate the small things you have in your life. Write down something you see, something you hear, something you taste, something you touch and something you smell that you are grateful for.
- Read "My road to better health — discover."
- Complete the five senses list on Page 2 of the calendar.
Week 3: Daily activities
Day 15: Park it and walk it
Incorporating movement throughout your day is a wonderful way to get additional exercise. To get extra steps, leave the car at home and walk to a store or restaurant, take the stairs instead of an elevator, have a walking meeting at work, take a walk while talking on the phone, or park further from the door when you get to your location.
Day 16: Clean out a drawer, closet or pantry
Studies show that some people feel anxious, stressed or unable to focus when their environment is cluttered or messy. Sometimes, cleaning or organizing can seem overwhelming. Start small and pick just one area to clean so you can feel a sense of accomplishment, control over your environment and calm.
Day 17: Play — it's not just for kids
Everyone needs joy and fun in life. Take time today to play and forget about work and other commitments.
Day 18: Show you care
Showing you care about someone makes you and that person feel good.
- Send a card or letter to someone you care about.
Day 19: Take a break for meditation
Did you know that spending just a few moments a day meditating has many effects on your mental, emotional and physical health? Studies show meditation can reduce stress, control anxiety, improve concentration and relieve chronic pain.
- Read and watch "Need to Relax? Take a Break for Meditation."
- Watch meditation videos.
- Read "My road to better health — relax."
Day 20: Include vegetables in your breakfast, lunch and dinner
Sometimes, it can seem overwhelming to get enough fruits and vegetables each day, but adding small amounts to every meal may help. Try a vegetable omelet for breakfast, add spinach and tomato to your sandwich at lunch, drink a fruit smoothie for a snack, and add sweet potatoes and peppers to your chili at dinner.
- Watch "Mayo Clinic Minute: Why Eating More Vegetables, Less Meat is healthy."
- Watch "Mayo Clinic Minute: Best Way to Get Your Fruits."
Day 21: Train your brain
Your brain is like a muscle. You need to use it or lose it. Complete a puzzle, read, play a game, play an instrument, or start that new hobby you have been wanting to start.
Week 4: Daily activities
Day 22: Attend a live or virtual fitness class
There are so many ways to exercise, several types of classes, and fitness levels. Choosing the right exercise option that fits your lifestyle and fitness level can make exercise more enjoyable, and when it's more enjoyable, you are more likely to do it.
- Add variety to your exercise program — aerobic, strength, flexibility and balance — to get well-rounded benefits from your workouts.
Day 23: Turn up the music and dance
- Have fun. Play a favorite song and dance like nobody is watching.
Day 24: Practice mindfulness
Mindfulness is available to use all day in all situations. This means being aware of what is going on in the present moment and not replaying stories in your mind of what happened in the past or worrying about events that may occur in the future.
Today, if you notice your mind wandering about how you wish you could change a past situation or conversation, or you are making up stressful scenarios about what might happen in the future, try to stop this type of thinking. Take three deep breaths and notice what is in front of you at that very moment./p>
- Read "Mindfulness exercises."
- Read "Mayo mindfulness: How mindfulness helps you live in the moment."
- Watch "Everyday Mindfulness."
- Watch "A Very Happy Brain."
Day 25: Exercise at your desk
Your body is not meant to sit for extended periods. Some physicians are now saying that sitting is the new smoking.
Find opportunities throughout the day to move while you work to benefit your physical health, be more productive, improve concentration and allow for more creativity.
- Watch "Mayo Clinic Minute: 5 Exercises You Can Do Without Leaving Your Desk."
- Watch "Mayo Clinic Minute: Move More at Work."
- Read "What are the risks of sitting too much?"
Day 26: Make a difference
Volunteer your time, talent or treasure. Volunteering for or donating to a cause positively affects your community and provides a healthy boost to your life. Giving your time, talent or treasure can come in many forms. Explore what is available in your community and learn what works best for you.
Day 27: Have dessert
Finding tasty and healthy options for a dessert can sometimes be challenging. Still, some internet research can produce several ideas to substitute some of your favorite recipes with new ones.
Day 28: Add 15
Each day, try to fit in at least 20 minutes of exercise into your day. Today, try adding an additional 15 minutes. Remember, you can do it all at once or do shorter bouts of exercise throughout your day.
- Read "Exercise: 7 benefits of regular physical activity."
- Watch "Mayo Clinic Minute: Prescription Exercise."
Week 5: Daily activities
Day 29: Practice mindful eating
Today, eat all your snacks and meals mindfully and away from screens. Mindful eating allows you to slow down and appreciate your food, which may prevent overeating.
- Watch "Mayo Clinic Minute: Mindfulness While Eating."
- Watch "How to Tackle the Toughest Eating Triggers."
Day 30: Recognize the power of positive thinking
Sometimes, you can be your own worst critic. Often, internal dialogue is negative, and you may say things to yourself that you wouldn't say to others. This voice is harmful and can limit your ability to believe in yourself and reach your potential goals.
Today, your challenge is to notice when you participate in negative self-talk. Reflect on why you are having that dialogue and try to reframe your thoughts to be more positive.
- Watch "Mayo Clinic Minute: How Positivity Helps Your Heart."
- Read "Positive thinking: Reduce stress by eliminating negative self-talk."
Day 31: Reflect, recommit and reward
When you reach a goal or important milestone, it is good to reflect, acknowledge your accomplishment and take stock of your growth. Hopefully, this monthlong health and wellness journey is just a start in your path to being the best version of yourself. Remember that when you take time to care for yourself, you will be better able to care for others.
Today, there are three challenges:
- Reflect on the past month. What have you learned, and are there any healthy lifestyle changes or habits you are committed to keeping?
- Recommit to your health and well-being. Write down what motivates you to continue your path to good health.
- Reward yourself by doing something you love.