Tobacco Treatment Services in La Crosse
You probably did not intend to use tobacco forever and you probably thought you could quit whenever you wanted to. When you're ready to become tobacco-free, the Mayo Clinic Nicotine Dependence Center in La Crosse can help.
Nicotine is one of the most powerfully addicting drugs known and ending a dependence on it can be every bit as difficult as ending any other drug dependency. Quitting tobacco use is difficult. It's a physical addiction that has become a part of your daily routine and socialization. And yet, it's known to be damaging to your health, and greatly increases your risks for heart disease, stroke and certain types of cancer. Regular tobacco use shortens your lifespan by many years.
The good news is that quitting can be done. Literally thousands of people walk away from tobacco use every day. But staying away forever takes a serious effort, involving changing deeply established behaviors.
Most people try to stop on their own. Many are successful. But 90 out of 100 people who try to stop cold turkey aren't successful. Research shows that you are up to eight times more likely to be successful in quitting tobacco use through a formal program that combines behavior modification, education and quit aids than going it on your own.
Learn more about the center in this Q&A:
Why the Mayo Clinic Nicotine Dependence Center? Is it effective?
The Mayo Clinic Nicotine Dependence Center includes an array of services to improve the chances of quitting.
The program consists of:
- Individual consultations and counseling with a certified tobacco treatment specialist to address the behavioral aspects of tobacco use and to identify barriers to successful quitting.
- Education about addiction and health conditions that are worsened by tobacco use.
- Medical management to provide tobacco cessation products including prescription and over-the-counter aids.
This approach has been shown to successfully increase your chances of quitting on your own by eight times. The Mayo Clinic Nicotine Dependence Center helps make the decision to quit a lasting one.
Do I need a referral from my doctor?
Yes. You should discuss your desire to become nicotine free with your healthcare provider and ask for a referral to the Mayo Clinic Nicotine Dependence Center.
What does it cost? Will my insurance pay?
The program costs $75.75 per visit for counseling services. All insurance plans are different. Most pay some or part of these costs, while some require a prior authorization. Medication and quit aids are over-the-counter and by prescription, so their cost is dependent on insurance coverage and other variables, such as which aids are used. It's best to check with your insurance plan to learn what is covered.
What if I’m not ready to quit?
That’s OK. Quitting is a process and may require other factors in your life to be in alignment before you’re ready to make a change that lasts. When you’re ready to become tobacco-free, you’ll know it. Remember, it takes time, patience and practice to quit tobacco. We’ll be here.
Call 608-392-6267 to learn more.