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Patient StoriesSpecial delivery: Teleneonatology helps deliver baby 10 weeks earlyFebruary 06, 2020
Neonatology Services in La Crosse
Neonatology focuses exclusively on the health of newborns and the factors that can affect their survival and growth. In La Crosse, a neonatologist provides neonatal perinatal medicine care as part of the Department of Pediatrics.
Newborn babies are not small adults, and medical problems in newborns can present special challenges. Neonatologists have special training required to evaluate and treat newborn medical problems, especially if organs are not mature enough to function without special care.
Neonatologists typically see patients during labor and delivery. They attend high-risk deliveries; diagnose and treat newborns; coordinate care of medically ill or premature babies; ensure critically ill newborns receive proper nutrition; stabilize babies with life-threatening medical problems; and consult with obstetricians, pediatricians, family physicians and other medical specialists.
In addition to treating babies born prematurely or at a low birth weight, they also care for newborns with congenital malformations, infections and breathing problems. Babies with these health issues typically stay in the hospital longer so they can get the medical support they need.
Before babies are born, neonatologists also consult with patients who have high-risk pregnancies, consult with other physicians and care teams, and educate family members. If at any time during pregnancy, labor, delivery or after delivery your prenatal care provider thinks you and your baby needs extra support, neonatology care will be arranged.
Specialized training
Neonatologists typically complete roughly 10 years of training. After completing medical school, they become a pediatrician by completing a pediatric residency. Then they complete a neonatology fellowship to gain additional specialized experience and training.
Collaboration with Mayo Clinic
Mayo Clinic Health System in La Crosse has a neonatologist on staff. All Mayo Clinic Health System birth centers have teleneonatology, where real-time video technology connects neonatologists from Mayo Clinic with local providers in the birth center. This technology is used when a greater level of medical intervention is needed, such as newborn resuscitation or diagnosis of unusual clinical cases.
For an appointment or more information, call 608-392-3917.

700 West Ave. S., La Crosse, WI 54601- Appointments:
- 608-392-3917
- Hours:
- Mon-Fri:8:00 AM - 5:00 PM