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Monday Run Day 10: Fuel before exercise

Are you starting to feel like the “The Little Engine that Could?” At this point in your training prep, you may find yourself saying, “I think I can, I think I can” almost on autopilot; but, perhaps your body is fighting back and saying, “Stop!” How is your energy holding up during workouts? As you continue to push yourself, remember that nutrition is an incredibly important piece of the puzzle. Be sure you are starting each run by properly fueling your body before you hit the road.
Whether you’re an athlete or an everyday exerciser, it is important to fuel yourself before you exercise. Eat a snack or a light meal before your workout to increase your energy potential.
Fueling before a workout can offer other benefits, such as preventing hypoglycemia. A light snack helps manage hunger, settles your stomach and fuels muscles with glycogen to enhance your exercise performance.
What you eat before you exercise is up to you. The choices can vary from person to person and sport to sport. Many athletes use trial and error to determine what agrees with them for their type of exercise. Remember, it is important to try to incorporate a carbohydrate along with a small amount of protein and fat.
So, fuel up for peak performance and hit the road. Your hard work is paying off, and we know you can do it.
By Mayo Clinic Health System staff