Education is one of the "three shields" of Mayo Clinic and professional education is an integral part of the mission of Mayo Clinic Health System. View the information below on our ongoing educational...
The Franciscan Healthcare School of Anesthesia, University of Wisconsin-La Crosse (UWL) Biology Department and Viterbo University School of Nursing have partnered to develop a program to meet the spec...
Your medical charges and insurance coverage can be difficult to understand. We realize this and are here to help you. You can find information about billing, payment, your financial responsibility and...
Students who wish to apply for admission to the School of Anesthesia must meet these requirements without regard to gender, age, race, creed, color, or national origin:
Must be curr...
The School of Anesthesia is a vital part of Mayo Clinic Health System in La Crosse and subscribes to the philosophy of that organization. We work to inspire hope, well-being and exceptional healthcare...
Estimated program costs
DNP CRNA Track Estimated Program Costs
Each institution sets its own tuition and fees schedule. These estimates are subject to institutional change and annual increa...
The 36-month program combines classroom experiences at UW La Crosse, Viterbo University, and the School of Anesthesia with clinical experiences. (Course schedule and credits)
After a Master of Science in Biology at the University of Wisconsin La Crosse, certificate of completion at the Franciscan Healthcare School of Anesthesia, and Doctor of Nursing Practice at Viterbo Un...
Your copayment and anticipated out-of-pocket expenses are collected at your appointment check-in. We require preservice deposits for a variety of situations, including elective cosmetic surgery; when ...