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Not just for the fair: Lunch on a stick Blog Posts
Bring fun, flavor and healthy foods to your kids’ lunch bags by taking inspiration from the fair. Thread meats, cheeses, veggies, fruit or even mini waffles on skewers for an easy-to-make lunch.
How youth marijuana, alcohol use impacts life Blog Posts
Talking early with your children about the risks of marijuana and alcohol use may prevent the first use. Get tips to start a conversation about avoiding substance use.
The ABCDEs of moles Blog Posts
Learning your ABCs the first time helped you read. Now they could save your life by alerting you to changes in moles that could signal melanoma — the most serious type of skin cancer.
Ovarian cancer: Get the facts Blog Posts
Ovarian cancer takes the lives of thousands of women each year. Knowing symptoms and risk factors can increase your chances of early diagnosis and recovery.
Supplements: What you need to know Blog Posts
You’ve been hit hard by your first cold of the season and stop by the store for supplies. Herbal supplements sound like healthy, natural choices for treating colds and addressing a host of ...
What's your family's digital diet plan? Blog Posts
Technology has changed how we live, interact and communicate — all of which have significant health consequences. Get tips to be intentional with screen time and create healthy media habits.
Is it an allergy or a common cold? Blog Posts
It's common to deal with a sore throat, runny nose or cough during winter. Taking a close look at your symptoms can help you determine if you have a common cold or if allergies may be affecting you.
Women's health: Can holiday stress lead to a heart attack? Blog Posts
It's easy to get caught up in the stress and chaos that accompany the holiday season. Can the stress impact your heart health or contribute to a heart attack? A cardiologist weighs in.
Seasonal affective disorder explained Blog Posts
Do cold, dark days leave you longing for warm sunshine? Mood changes can occur with the changing seasons. Learn about seasonal affective disorder and how you can manage the symptoms.
Preventing suicide through awareness and intervention Blog Posts
Risk factors don't cause or predict suicide, but identifying risks brings awareness of warning signs. Read four interventions you can do to help someone who is feeling suicidal.