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On pins and needles: Just what is dry needling? Blog Posts
While it has an intimidating name, dry needling is a commonly offered treatment for muscle, ligament or tendon pain. Learn how it can release muscle trigger points and ease pain.

Love your lipids Blog Posts
Keep your cholesterol and triglycerides at normal levels to lower your risk of heart disease and stroke.

What you may not know about HPV Blog Posts
HPV (human papilloma virus) is a common virus among young adults. According to the Centers for Disease Control, almost 80 million Americans currently have the virus, and an additional 14 million will ...

How to help someone having a seizure Blog Posts
Do you know what to do if someone is having a seizure? Injury can be reduced if you know these simple interventions.

Always tired? You may have sleep apnea Blog Posts
For some people, there's no such thing as a good night's sleep. No matter how early they go to bed or how many times they press the snooze button, they still wake up groggy.

You are not alone: End-of-life care and beyond Blog Posts
It might take more than a catchphrase for you to plan. It's important to know all the options when end-of-life comfort for a loved one or yourself e comfort depends on it.

Menopause: A natural aging process Blog Posts
Sometime around her 51st birthday, the average woman in the U.S. will experience menopause. With the change comes a host of symptoms, including hot flashes, weight gain, bone loss, sleep disturbances,...

Need to get moving? Start slowly Blog Posts
If you haven't been active, or are recovering from an illness or injury, you may not feel like lacing up your shoes or going to the gym. But it may be just what you need. Get started with these tips.

Overcoming a genetic disorder, shyness and finding her place Blog Posts
Taylor Sturtz, a Project Search graduate, shares how she is handling a rare genetic disorder, overcoming shyness and finding her place.

Function better with less pain: When to consider total joint replacement for arthritis Blog Posts
There is a wide variety of nonsurgical treatment options for mild and moderate arthritis, but once the damage is severe enough, it may be time to consider total joint replacement.