Critical Care Services & Treatment in Eau Claire
We provide an atmosphere of healing for the most seriously ill or injured patients in our Critical Care Unit in Eau Claire, Wisconsin. Specially trained staff delivers specialized care for patients with cardiac, surgical, neurosurgical, trauma and other critical medical needs.
Our unit has 26 large patient rooms that accommodate equipment, staff and family members who wish to be an active and involved part of the care process.
ICU Core Rounds
During these daily visits, the nurse and provider team discuss details about the patient's status and plan of care with the patient and their loved ones. This is an excellent time to connect with the care team with any questions you have.
Additional details:
- Time: 10 a.m.-12 p.m. daily.
- Who can attend: up to two family members or friends.
- Location: patient’s room.
- If you are unable to attend: call 888-838-4777 between 2-4 p.m., Monday through Friday, to speak with the provider intensivist team.
Enhanced Critical Care
Enhanced Critical Care is an electronic intensive care unit designed to improve care and shorten hospital stays. Critically ill patients are monitored bedside by local physicians and nurses, and remotely by specially trained critical care physicians and nurses at Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota.
In-room computers, high-quality video cameras and audio monitors transmit patient data, including vital signs, test results and imaging exams, from the bedside to an operations center. There, the physician and nurse team continuously review the information to watch for trends that could mean potential problems. When a change is detected, the team alerts local staff so they can address the situation. Two-way televisions and video cameras allow operations center staff to communicate with local staff, patients and their families.
Local physicians and nurses continue to care for patients as they always have. A local physician directs each patient's care.
Benefits of Enhanced Critical Care include early detection and treatment of problems, shorter hospital stays, improved patient results and reduced cost of care. The service is provided at no additional cost to patients.
Please talk with any staff member if you have questions or concerns about Enhanced Critical Care.
View the Enhanced Critical Care brochure.
Healing Garden
Located near the Critical Care Unit, the enclosed garden offers patients and visitors the unique opportunity to experience the therapeutic effects of nature throughout the year. Gather, relax and find comfort when you need it most.

In the Healing Garden, you can:
- Surround yourself with nature with the more than 300 plants.
- Listen to the soothing sounds of the waterfall.
- Unwind by listening to or playing the piano.
- Cozy up by the fireplace.
- Use the meditation room for a private discussion or quiet moment alone.
The Healing Garden is a gift to patients from Mayo Clinic Health System in Eau Claire staff donations. Community donors provided funds for the fountain, piano and meditation area.

1221 Whipple St., Eau Claire, WI 54703- Appointments:
- 715-838-5025
- Hours:
- Mon-Fri:8:00 AM - 5:15 PM