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Around for the long haul: Weight loss success

Like many busy adults, Kasie Von Haden, La Crosse, Wisconsin, was always putting her health at the bottom of her priority list.
"I was citing a lack of time and other obligations as justification for not focusing on my wellness," Kasie says.
A wake-up call
"I did a health assessment and was put into a higher risk category based on my weight and family health history," Kasie says. "I realized if I kept eating and being inactive the way I had been, I would be reliant on medications or other peoples' care. I decided I never wanted to be in a position that I couldn't take care of myself; I wanted to be around for the long haul."
That's when she found the Mayo Clinic Diet Program offered at Mayo Clinic Health System in La Crosse and signed up in April 2016.
The Mayo Clinic Diet Program is a 10-week class providing information on weight loss, nutrition, physical activity and other healthy lifestyle behaviors. The class is presented in a group setting and led by expert facilitators, including registered dietitians, an exercise physiologist and a psychology counselor.
During the program, Kasie says she learned about food, healthy behaviors, habit development and herself as an individual. She says she also learned that having a support system could help you be successful.
"Another reason I loved the program so much is that other members of the class were always supportive, and shared ideas and tips," she says. "I know the support and accountability this program offers truly allowed me to be successful."
The whole story
"Since completing the program in July 2016, I've lost a total of 100 pounds, shed numerous inches around my body and can physically do things I couldn't before," Kasie says.
She says her biggest takeaway from the Mayo Clinic Diet Program is not a number. Instead, she realizes that numbers and measurements only tell part of a story.
"You cannot forget that there are important measurements of success that have nothing to do with numbers," Kasie says. "I now have far more confidence and positive self-esteem than ever before. I enjoy being active, find it easy to shop, and have discovered a new passion for nutrition and wellness. I have a completely different outlook on life and am, overall, a happier person."