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All in the family: Working together to help young girl heal from celiac disease
For most of her young life, 3-year-old Hazel Sargent of Garden City, Minnesota, had tummy troubles. She was frequently constipated and never a big eater. Then one day last spring, she woke up from a nap and was lethargic.
"She didn't want to play or eat dinner," Sheri Sargent says of her daughter, the youngest of four girls. "The next day, we took her in to see what was going on."
After an examination and blood work, the family had their answer. Hazel had celiac disease. The condition triggers an immune reaction to eating gluten, a protein found in wheat, barley and rye. This reaction can damage the lining of the small intestine, which prevents certain nutrients from being absorbed into the body. Symptoms can include constipation, bloating and fatigue.
Sheri and her husband, Josh, knew the diagnosis would mean lifestyle changes for the whole family. She also knew she'd have someone to help guide her through those changes: Bonnie Steel, a Family Medicine nurse practitioner at Mayo Clinic Health System in Mankato, who has been Hazel's primary care provider since birth. Family Medicine providers like Bonnie care for patients of all ages and stages of life.
"Bonnie was really great," Sheri says. "She very much wanted to make sure our questions were answered and set us up with appointments to see a nutritionist and pediatric gastroenterologist."
Those appointments gave Sheri and Josh a better understanding of celiac disease. While there's no cure, a gluten-free diet can help manage symptoms.
The biggest challenge
"Living healthy with celiac is a challenge, because it affects so many things," Bonnie says, adding that she's been impressed by how the Sargent family has handled the diagnosis. "They are making this a new normal and not letting it define, control or defeat them."

Indeed, the Sargents are tackling the diagnosis head on.
"The biggest change has been going through our kitchen," Shari says. "We have a separate cupboard for Hazel with gluten-free bread and snacks. All of our family meals are now gluten-free. We don't want Hazel to feel deprived."
Those efforts are paying off.
"Josh and I have been impressed at how quickly Hazel has adapted to her new diet," says Sheri, "She will now ask if a meal or snack is gluten-free before she will eat it. Hazel has been eating a ton, and asking for seconds and thirds. She's gained weight and has so much energy now."
It's a welcome change for the Sargents and for Bonnie.
"I have been so excited about how the family has approached this big diagnosis and how much better Hazel is now," says Bonnie, who also cares for Sheri; Hazel's three big sisters, Chloe (10), Ireland (8) and Avery (6); and one set of Hazel's grandparents. Bonnie says that caring for multiple members of a family has benefits for patients.
"It gives us a better understanding of the family health history," she says. "Many times health is a reflection of so many things that are part of a family, including genetics and lifestyle. The choices we make and the things we do are influenced by our family and community."
Bonnie says caring for whole families benefits her as a provider, too.
"I feel like I really know, connect and understand each member of the family better. I share in their joys and sorrows," she says, adding that it's both rewarding and humbling to care for families like the Sargents. "I feel honored to be able to care for them."