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Influenza is a viral infection that attacks your respiratory system — your nose, throat and lungs. Influenza, commonly called the flu, is not the same as the stomach "flu" viruses that cause diarrhea and vomiting.

Hometown Health Blog

Monitoring the H5N1 avian influenza, bird flu, outbreak

A Mayo Clinic expert shares what you need to know about the H5N1 avian influenza outbreak and why the public health risk remains low. Find out the steps to take to ensure food remains safe.

May 31, 2024

Foreign travel plans? What to know about influenza before you go

Did you know influenza is the most common, vaccine-preventable disease for travelers? Be a smart traveler, and talk to your healthcare team about flu vaccination before your trip.

Jessica Sheehy PAC By Jessica Sheehy April 4, 2024

6 common flu misconceptions

Common myths about the flu may keep you from taking the necessary steps to protect yourself from the illness. Learn the truth about lowering your risk — starting with the annual flu vaccine.

Jennifer Johnson DO By Jennifer Johnson December 22, 2023

The 5 Ws of healthy hands can help you avoid germs, illnesses

Preventing illness during the cold and flu season starts with the who, what, where, when and why of handwashing. Teach your children about hand hygiene with these tips.

Joslyn Hager, M.D. By Joslyn Hager December 7, 2023

What should you do if you have COVID-19 or flu?

Unsure if you have flu or COVID-19? Symptoms can be similar. Find out what to do, and how to self-manage symptoms and use the Check Symptoms tool.

Muhanad Mohamed, M.D. By Muhanad Mohamed January 30, 2023

Watch out for winter mishaps

Winter is beautiful, but it does come with risks. Take steps to prevent falls, hypothermia, frostbite and more so you can remain in good health and enjoy the splendor of the season.

December 8, 2022

Check Symptoms evaluates RSV, upper respiratory illness symptoms

Concerned you or your child may have RSV, the flu or COVID-19? Learn how an online assessment tool can quickly evaluate symptoms, determine if testing is needed and recommend next steps for care.

December 6, 2022

When to seek medical help for RSV or flu symptoms in children

With an early increase in RSV and influenza cases, a Mayo Clinic expert shares three things parents can watch for when determining if they should seek care for a sick child.

November 18, 2022

Fight off the flu with immune-boosting nutrients

Is it a myth or fact that chicken noodle soup can help you feel better when you are ill? Does vitamin C prevent illness? Check out myths and facts about immune-boosting nutrients.

Kristi Wempen RDN By Kristi Wempen November 16, 2022

Prepare for a challenging flu season: Get vaccinated now

After two mild flu seasons, a Mayo Clinic expert shares why this year's flu season may be different and how to protect your family from the flu virus.

October 20, 2022

Preparing kids for a flu shot: Tips to help parents

Now more than ever, it's important to schedule flu vaccinations for your entire family. You can help prepare your children for getting a shot with these tips.

Jennifer Johnson DO By Jennifer Johnson October 12, 2022

Pregnancy and respiratory illnesses: Tips to reduce your flu risks

Flu season usually starts in the fall. Learn how the influenza vaccine reduces hospitalization during pregnancy and can protect the baby from the flu after birth.

Thomas Howell Jr MD By Thomas Howell Jr. September 30, 2022