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Headache is pain in any region of the head that feels like a sharp pain, throbbing sensation or dull ache. It may develop gradually or suddenly, and last for minutes or days.

Hometown Health Blog

'Tech neck': Technology's effect on your neck

Almost half of Americans report using their smartphones four to five hours daily. Your posture and the time spent using a screened device can increase your chances of having a "tech neck."

April 10, 2024

Oh, my aching head: Tips for headache relief

Whether they're pounding, pulsing or piercing, headaches are a pain. Learn about headache types, common treatments and prevention.

Brian Burroughs PAJPG By Brian Burroughs August 25, 2023

How to support a loved one with chronic pain

For millions of people, living with chronic pain can significantly affect daily activities, relationships, work and well-being. Read ways you can support a loved one with chronic pain.

Qasim Raza, M.B.B.S., M.D. By Qasim Raza July 24, 2023

5 most common types of chronic pain treated by neurosurgeons

Nearly 100 million Americans experience chronic pain ranging from back pain to headaches. Read about the most common types evaluated and treated by neurosurgeons.

T.K. Schiefer, M.D. By T.K. Schiefer May 2, 2023

On pins and needles: Just what is dry needling?

While it has an intimidating name, dry needling is a commonly offered treatment for muscle, ligament or tendon pain. Learn how it can release muscle trigger points and ease pain.

Bryce Jenson, P.T., D.P.T. By Bryce Jenson February 10, 2023

6 tips for headache relief

About half of adults regularly have headaches. The pain be a dull ache or intense, impacting daily life. Follow these tips to find relief.

Kerri Crank, N.P. By Kerri Crank November 10, 2022

Common questions about headaches

Did you know headaches generally are classified into two main types? Learn if the pain in your head is a primary or secondary headache and what you can do to prevent them.

Jamie Johannes, D.O. By Jamie Johannes August 5, 2022

Your sinus headache may not be what you think

If you have pain or pressure in your forehead with nasal symptoms, you may think you have a sinus headache. But 90% of people with these symptoms are actually experiencing migraine headaches. Learn the difference.

Quintin Cappelle MD By Quintin Cappelle August 18, 2021
Scott Spritzer, D.O. By Scott Spritzer August 18, 2021

What are the stages of a migraine?

Migraines affect 39 million people in the U.S. Understanding the four stages of a migraine can lead to improving migraine prevention and treatment.

Nancy Erickson MD By Nancy Erickson March 24, 2021

Does caffeine treat or trigger headaches?

Many people ask whether caffeine can treat or trigger a headache. Learn how your morning cup of joe actually can do both.

Kelli Tornstrom, C.N.P., A.P.N.P. By Kelli Tornstrom October 12, 2020

Headache medication: Get the facts

Concerned about taking prescription medications for your frequent headaches? Get the facts for relief.

Angela Oldenberg, N.P. By Angela Oldenberg June 18, 2018

Botox as a treatment for chronic migraines

People who suffer from chronic migraines know the debilitating pain. There are many different treatment options, including medications and Botox injections.

Scott Spritzer, D.O. By Scott Spritzer May 5, 2017