Health Topics

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Emergency Medicine

Often life-or-death situations, emergencies are when patients need medical care most. Not all emergencies are avoidable, but there are measures you can take to reduce your risk of experiencing a medical emergency.

Hometown Health Blog

Clinic staff's response gives waiting room crisis a happy ending

While waiting for her husband at their clinic, Colleen Lundequam had no warning before she went into cardiac arrest. Quick action by the clinic's team made all the difference in her good-news recovery.

May 8, 2024

Consider T.I.M.E. when dealing with sepsis

More than 40% of adults are unfamiliar with the dangers of sepsis, which occurs as a result of infection. Use this tool to recognize the signs and symptoms, and get immediate care.

Melissa Myers MD By Melissa Myers February 28, 2024

Smart decisions improve your winter health

Winter is beautiful, but the cold, ice and snow can be treacherous for many people. Learn how smart decisions can keep you safe — and out of the emergency department — during the winter season.

Susan Cullinan, M.D. By Susan Cullinan February 23, 2024

Unforeseen danger of a child's fall: Livia's remarkable recovery

A seemingly innocent fall led to a race against time, an emergency craniotomy and an incredible road to recovery for young Livia. Here's how the care team came together in her moment of need.

October 4, 2023

Farm safety first: Tips for preventing injuries during harvest

Farmers spend countless hours in combines, tractors, trucks and other equipment in fields during the harvest season. Remember a few safety practices, and pick up a new tip to avoid a severe injury.

Kyle Elliott CNP By Kyle Elliott September 25, 2023

Blood donation: Simple, selfless act to save lives

With someone in the U.S. receiving a blood product every two seconds, there is a constant need for red blood cells, platelets and plasma. Learn how the donation process works and why donating blood is vital.

Allison Humes, P.A.-C. By Allison Humes August 31, 2023

ABCs of bleeding control

Life-threatening bleeding can happen anywhere at any time. Learning the steps you can take for swift action to stop the bleeding can make the difference between life and death.

August 24, 2023

Safety tips to prevent heat-related illness

Staying cool when temperatures soar can be difficult. Read why it's vital to know the signs and symptoms of heat-related illness, and get tips to prevent heat exhaustion and heatstroke.

August 23, 2023

With stroke, time is survival

Stroke symptoms come on suddenly. And women are more like to have a stroke than men. There’s an acronym to make it easy to recognize and act on these symptoms: Think FAST.

Felix Chukwudelunzu, M.D. By Felix Chukwudelunzu August 2, 2023

When temps rise, remember these heatstroke prevention tips

When the weather forecast calls for hot and humid days ahead, follow these steps to keep cool and prevent heatstroke.

Stephen Stacey, D.O. By Stephen Stacey July 25, 2023

Use caution with fireworks

Independence Day has been celebrated with firework displays since the 1770s. Find out why you need to use extreme caution while using fireworks, and pick up some safety tips.

June 23, 2023

Tips for making safety part of your summer fun

With summer officially underway, everyone will be spending more time outdoors. No matter the activity, make sure you and your family know what it takes to stay safe. Check out these reminders.

May 31, 2023