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Headaches Services & Treatments Eau Claire
Almost everyone experiences at least one headache at some time during his or her life. According to the World Health Organization, about 50% of all adults have regular headaches. They can slow yo...
Aphasia Camp Services & Treatments Eau Claire
Aphasia Camp is an annual fall weekend retreat that provides people with aphasia and their significant other activities and resources to increase social interaction and foster communication success wi...
Stroke Care Services & Treatments Eau Claire
A stroke occurs when the blood supply to part of your brain is interrupted or severely reduced, depriving brain tissue of oxygen and nutrients. Within minutes, brain cells begin to die. A stroke is a ...
Epilepsy Care Services & Treatments Eau Claire
Epilepsy is a central nervous system disorder in which nerve cell activity in the brain becomes disrupted, causing seizures or periods of unusual behavior, sensations and, sometimes, loss of conscious...
Aphasia Camp Registration Services & Treatments Eau Claire
Stroke Patient Stories Services & Treatments Eau Claire
Scott Gunderson Scott is a typical working father of three young children. His days are full of work meetings, play dates, golf games and helping manage his busy family’s calendar. He also is a ...
Stroke Prevention Services & Treatments Eau Claire
While everyone is at risk for stroke, you have the power to help protect yourself. Start by following the 10 tips from stroke specialists in Eau Claire, Wisconsin; getting regular checkups and treatme...
Stroke Treatment and Recovery Services & Treatments Eau Claire
Getting immediate medical attention after the first signs of a stroke increases the possibility that you may receive clot-dissolving therapies (such as TPA) or other clot-retrieving procedures in time...
Stroke Clinic Services & Treatments Eau Claire
When a stroke happens, it is a stressful time for patients and their family members. This stress can make it difficult to plan for the future and know what to expect. Our Stroke Clinic in Eau Claire, ...
Telestroke Services & Treatments Eau Claire
In telestroke, doctors who have advanced training in the nervous system (neurologists) remotely evaluate people who've had acute strokes and make diagnoses and treatment recommendations to emergency m...