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Aortic Valve Disease Services & Treatments Albert Lea
Aortic valve disease is a condition where the valve between the main pumping chamber of your heart and the main artery to your body, the aorta, doesn't work properly. Aortic valve disease may be a con...
Arrhythmia (Heart Rhythm) Services & Treatments Albert Lea
Heart rhythm problems, or heart arrhythmias, occur when the electrical impulses that coordinate your heartbeats don't work properly, causing your heart to beat too fast, too slow or irregularly. Hear...
Coronary Artery Disease Services & Treatments Albert Lea
Coronary artery disease develops when the major blood vessels ― the coronary arteries ― that supply your heart with blood, oxygen and nutrients become damaged or diseased. Cholesterol-containing depos...
Frequently Asked Questions Services & Treatments Albert Lea
How do I get a consultation appointment? You will need a referral from a Mayo Clinic Health System provider. Where do I go for my appointment? Wound care services are located on the lower level of the...
Wound Types & Healing Therapy Services & Treatments Albert Lea
Chronic wounds There are many types of chronic wounds (wounds that don’t heal through normal treatment methods). The most common types of problem wounds include: Diabetic foot ulcers Ar...
Headaches Services & Treatments Albert Lea
Almost everyone experiences at least one headache at some time during his or her life. According to the World Health Organization, about 50% of all adults have regular headaches. They can slow yo...
Stroke Care Services & Treatments Albert Lea
A stroke occurs when the blood supply to part of your brain is interrupted or severely reduced, depriving brain tissue of oxygen and nutrients. Within minutes, brain cells begin to die. A stroke is a ...
Epilepsy Care Services & Treatments Albert Lea
Epilepsy is a central nervous system disorder in which nerve cell activity in the brain becomes disrupted, causing seizures or periods of unusual behavior, sensations and, sometimes, loss of conscious...
Stroke Prevention Services & Treatments Albert Lea
While everyone is at risk for stroke, you have the power to help protect yourself. Start by following the 10 tips listed here, getting regular checkups and treatment for any existing conditions, and a...
Stroke Treatment and Recovery Services & Treatments Albert Lea
Getting immediate medical attention after the first signs of a stroke increases the possibility that you may receive clot-dissolving therapies (such as TPA) or other clot-retrieving procedures in time...