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Industrial Rehabilitation Services & Treatments Fairmont
Getting employees back to work quickly and safely following an injury on the job can benefit both the employer and employee. With this in mind, we offer industrial rehabilitation to local businesses.&...
Neurological Rehabilitation Services & Treatments Fairmont
Physical and occupational therapists treat patients with neurological dysfunctions resulting from trauma, genetics and disease. The goal of neurological rehabilitation is to maximize your independent ...
Pain Management Services & Treatments Fairmont
Pain management is a multidisciplinary medical approach to caring for someone with complex or chronic pain. Research shows that education about pain along with light cardiovascular exercise can be hel...
Pelvic Health Dysfunction Services & Treatments Fairmont
Our physical therapy team treats aging pelvic floor dysfunction, urinary and fecal incontinence, postural changes, weakened core and back pain for women and men (select locations). Some physical thera...
Sports Performance & Injury Prevention Services & Treatments Fairmont
Sports-related injuries can be devastating and often require surgery, intensive rehabilitation and months away from your sport. If your sport requires jumping, pivoting, twisting or lunging movements,...
Amputee Rehabilitation Services & Treatments Fairmont
The physical therapy team will help develop an individualized treatment program aimed at helping you attain independence, enhance your quality of life and maximize your function after an amputation. ...
Gait & Balance Dysfunction Services & Treatments Fairmont
Physical therapists will work with you to improve your safety and enhance your muscular functioning while walking. Patients who would benefit from gait/balance training include anyone who has had: ...
Supportive Care Services & Treatments Fairmont
If you are diagnosed with cancer, the following supportive services are available to keep you and your loved ones healthy in mind, body and spirit. Cancer Support Group - Compassionate...
Coping With Cancer Services & Treatments Fairmont
Regardless of they type or severity of cancer, you'll probably face challenges — emotionally and physically — and search for ways to best overcome the obstacles you're facing. The links be...
Cancer Treatments Services & Treatments Fairmont
Our goal is to find the best care for you, whether your needs are straightforward or complex. Partnering with Mayo Clinic’s top-ranked cancer center, we specialize in providing numerous advanced...