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Allergy Treatments Services & Treatments Decorah
Self-treatment for allergies with over-the-counter medications may lead to unwanted side effects, such as drowsiness and fatigue. Some remedies may actually worsen the underlying condition. Untreated ...
Allergy Testing Services & Treatments Decorah
Allergy symptoms can make you look bad and feel worse, but you and your family don’t have to suffer. Knowing what triggers your allergy and asthma symptoms is the first step. But then what? Seek...
Food Services & Treatments Decorah
Food allergies are due to an immune system reaction that occurs soon after eating a certain food. They affect about 1 in 20 Americans with cases occurring at any age, but most commonly in babies and y...
Insect Services & Treatments Decorah
Severe stinging insect allergy affects over 9.5 million Americans including 3 percent of adults and up to 1 percent of children. There are 40 to 100 deaths in the United States each year, and that num...
Medication Services & Treatments Decorah
If you develop a rash, hives or difficulty breathing after taking certain medications, you may have a drug allergy. While you may not experience allergic symptoms the first time you take a drug, your ...
Environmental Services & Treatments Decorah
Your home, school and workplace contain causes of environmental allergies. These inhaled triggers can include dust, animal dander, feathers, mildew, pollen and mold spores. Other triggers include: ...
Food Challenge Services & Treatments Decorah
In an oral food challenge, small increment amounts of food are fed to the patient over a period of a few hours to determine if a reaction occurs. Due to the possibility of a severe reaction, it must b...
Allergy Shots Services & Treatments Decorah
Allergy shots (also called subcutaneous immunotherapy or SCIT) are one of the best treatments available for your allergies and asthma and are available in Decorah, Iowa. It is one of the few disease-m...
Immunotherapy Services & Treatments Decorah
Allergy immunotherapy is the medical term for allergy shots, which are an effective treatment to help you become less allergic. The types of immunotherapy are: Conventional — Allergy shots ...
Allergy Medications Services & Treatments Decorah
Allergy When you cannot avoid allergens, there are many medications that can help control allergy symptoms. Decongestants and antihistamines are the most common allergy medications. They help to reduc...