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Search Results for " 渶տ 渶ӻƮ ˺ 渶 Ϳ 緹̽ λ渶Ʈ λ渶 PC渶"
Amputee Rehabilitation Services & Treatments Zumbrota
The physical therapy team will help develop an individualized treatment program aimed at helping you attain independence, enhance your quality of life and maximize your function after an amputation. ...
Gait & Balance Dysfunction Services & Treatments Zumbrota
Physical therapists will work with you to improve your safety and enhance your muscular functioning while walking. Patients who would benefit from gait/balance training include anyone who has had: ...
Pain Management Services & Treatments Zumbrota
Pain management is a multidisciplinary medical approach to caring for someone with complex or chronic pain. Research shows that education about pain along with light cardiovascular exercise can be hel...
Neurological Rehabilitation Services & Treatments Zumbrota
Physical and occupational therapists treat patients with neurological dysfunctions resulting from trauma, genetics and disease. The goal of neurological rehabilitation is to maximize your independent ...
Inner Ear Therapy Services & Treatments Zumbrota
Physical therapy offers treatment for vestibular impairments. If disease or injury damages your inner ear or brain, you may have a vestibular disorder. The vestibular system includes parts of the inne...
Seasonal safety tips for parents Services & Treatments Zumbrota
Most injuries are preventable. Incorporating these precautions into your daily life will help to avoid life-altering accidents. During all seasons Use your seat belt all the time. Use appro...
Breastfeeding and Mastitis Services & Treatments Zumbrota
The main purpose of female breasts is to produce milk and nourishment for newborns. Breastfeeding can present many issues and concerns for moms, including pain, engorgement, pumping,&nb...
Breast Lumps Services & Treatments Zumbrota
A breast lump can be described as a mass, growth, swelling, thickness or fullness. A breast lump can vary in the way it looks and feels. If you have a breast lump, you may notice: A dis...
Breast Cancer Prevention Services & Treatments Zumbrota
If you're concerned about developing breast cancer, you might be wondering if there are steps you can take to help prevent breast cancer. Some risk factors, such as family history, can't be changed. H...
Breast Cancer Services & Treatments Zumbrota
Everyone is born with a small amount of breast tissue. During puberty, women begin developing more breast tissue and men do not. Though breast cancer is most commonly thought of a disease that affects...