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Healthy Recipe Services & Treatments Menomonie
Contrary to what you might have heard, brown rice has a pleasing nutty flavor which can be enhanced with sweet or spicy vegetables or fruit. Here the fruit juices plus chopped veggies and dates combin...
Nutrition FAQ Services & Treatments Menomonie
Will insurance cover the cost of the dietitian appointment? Insurances vary in their coverage, so we recommend that every patient check with their own insurance company to verify if the service is cov...
Choose Snacks Wisely Services & Treatments Menomonie
Dietitians in Menomonie want you to know that with a little planning and preparation, you can have healthy snacks ready when the temptation strikes. A wide variety of snacks can fit into a healthy lif...
Insect Services & Treatments La Crosse
Severe stinging insect allergy affects over 9.5 million Americans including 3% of adults and up to 1% of children. There are 40 to 100 deaths in the U.S. each year, and that number has not changed in ...
Environmental Services & Treatments La Crosse
Your home, school and workplace contain causes of environmental allergies. These inhaled triggers can include dust, animal dander, feathers, mildew, pollen and mold spores. Other triggers include: ...
Medication Services & Treatments La Crosse
If you develop a rash, hives or difficulty breathing after taking certain medications, you may have a drug allergy. While you may not experience allergic symptoms the first time you take a drug, your ...
Food Services & Treatments La Crosse
Food allergies are due to an immune system reaction that occurs soon after eating a certain food. They affect about 1 in 20 Americans with cases occurring at any age, but most commonly in babies and y...
PHIL Award Services & Treatments Menomonie
Few sensations are as frightening as not being able to get enough air. The PHIL Award honors the unsung heroes in the respiratory therapy profession who understand that each breath matters. The PHIL ...
Penicillin Testing Services & Treatments La Crosse
In addition to assessing your detailed history about a prior allergic reaction to penicillin, allergists administer skin tests to determine if you are allergic to the medication. These tests, which a...
Pulse Oximetry Services & Treatments Menomonie
You hear it called “pulse ox.” You see hospitalized patients wearing it — a plastic clip with a light attached to their finger. What is pulse ox? A pulse oximeter helps assess y...