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Postpartum Routines for Mom Services & Treatments Austin
Nurses will routinely perform postpartum checks during your stay. Checks include your temperature, pulse and blood pressure. Nurses also will assess the firmness of your uterus, assess your perineal a...
Visitors Services & Treatments Austin
Your first goal will be to get to know and care for your newborn baby, as well as to take care of yourself. It's fun to celebrate and share your joy with visitors. Yet it's important to create bonding...
What You Should Bring Services & Treatments Austin
Being prepared for your stay at the hospital will make it a more comfortable experience for you, as well as your support person and newborn, and the baby's sibling(s). Here are some items that you sho...
Childbirth Education Services & Treatments Austin
Experiencing childbirth and welcoming a newborn for the first time—or for the first time in many years—can make some moms feel uneasy and anxious. Mayo Clinic Health System offers a variet...
Car Seat Safety Services & Treatments Austin
The best protection for your child in a vehicle crash is a properly secured child safety seat. However, buying and installing the correct seat for your child can be confusing. Car crashes are the lead...
Choose a Doctor for Baby Services & Treatments Austin
OB-GYNs do not provide care for children. Because of this, you will need to choose a provider for your baby. Choose from Pediatric and Adolescent Medicine or Family Medicine providers in Austin. ...
Active Labor Services & Treatments Austin
Upon your arrival, you will be assessed by a nurse who will share information with your provider. This assessment may include: Taking your vital signs, including temperature, pulse, respiration r...
Postpartum Recovery Services & Treatments Austin
Your nurse will remain in contact with other members of your healthcare team during your labor. Labor can take many hours, and the nursing staff will support you during this time. As you near the time...
Immediately after Delivery Services & Treatments Austin
After the birth of your baby, the baby is placed on your abdomen or under a warmer. The nurse or provider will assess the baby and assign Apgar scores at one and five minutes of age. The Apgar score a...
Am I in Labor? Services & Treatments Austin
How do you know when it's time to come to the hospital? Sometimes every little ache and pain seems like the "real thing." Expect false alarms. Remember, no one knows for sure what triggers labor, and ...