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Labor and Delivery Services & Treatments Owatonna
The idea of going into labor and delivering a baby can be overwhelming for some — especially first-time moms. There’s no need to be concerned, as the team of nurses and providers will help...
Services and Amenities Services & Treatments Owatonna
Designed with the comfort of patients and needs of staff in mind, the birth center offers many services and amenities. Clinic connection Obstetrics and Gynecology is connected to hospital with a...
Getting Ready for Baby Services & Treatments Owatonna
After you have chosen the provider who will care for you during pregnancy, you should arrange prenatal appointments and attend childbirth education and parenting classes through District One Hosp...
After Delivery Services & Treatments Owatonna
Families experience many emotions after the birth of a baby. After delivery, it's time to admire the newborn, bond with baby, breastfeed, rest and recuperate, and welcome visitors when mom is ready. ...
Additional Resources Services & Treatments Owatonna
OB/GYN services No matter what stage of life you're in — from adolescence to pregnancy to menopause — you can receive care from the OB-GYN team. If you have a women's health issue or conce...
Breast Self-Exams Services & Treatments Owatonna
Early detection of breast lumps is important. Conducting regular breast self-exams is a good way to get to know your breasts so that you can identify if your breasts change. If you notice n...
Breast Cancer Prevention Services & Treatments Owatonna
If you're concerned about developing breast cancer, you might be wondering if there are steps you can take to help prevent breast cancer. Some risk factors, such as family history, can't be changed. H...
Breastfeeding and Mastitis Services & Treatments Owatonna
The main purpose of female breasts is to produce milk and nourishment for newborns. Breastfeeding can present many issues and concerns for moms, including pain, engorgement, pumping,&nb...
Breast Cancer Services & Treatments Owatonna
Everyone is born with a small amount of breast tissue. During puberty, women begin developing more breast tissue and men do not. Though breast cancer is most commonly thought of a disease that affects...
Breast Lumps Services & Treatments Owatonna
A breast lump can be described as a mass, growth, swelling, thickness or fullness. A breast lump can vary in the way it looks and feels. If you have a breast lump, you may notice: A dis...