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Search Results for "power of attorney"

Now is the right time for advance directives Blog Posts
The best time to make an advance care plan is now. Starting a conversation about advance health care planning can be challenging, but it’s important. Here's what you need to know to get started.

Don't leave your health decisions to chance Blog Posts
It’s easy to put off making important decisions in life, especially documenting your health care wishes. But doing so can bring peace of mind and lead to better future health outcomes.

The power of blueberries Blog Posts
Bite into a luscious blueberry, and you're biting into a powerhouse of nutrients. Versatile, delicious blueberries provide body-wide benefits — from heart health to weight control to memory.

Healthy food, lifestyle can help prevent cancer Blog Posts
... a healthy diet and adopting healthy habits have so much power in decreasing the possibility of developing breast and colorectal cancers.

Nourishing your health: Diet and nutrition factors for cancer prevention Blog Posts
Discover the power of your diet and nutrition habits in lowering your cancer risk. Learn which foods and beverages to consider removing from your pantry and what to add to your next grocery list.

How to strengthen your core Blog Posts
A strong core is required for physical activity, including running. It provides overall strength, endurance and power, and supports good posture and prevents injuries. Develop your core...

Keep your children healthy at school Blog Posts
What's the simplest, most effective way to stay healthy? Spoiler alert: It's washing your hands frequently. Read about the power of hand-washing, and get more tips for keeping children healthy.

A little change of heart Blog Posts
Never doubt the power of determination and a little Norwegian stubbornness. That along with family, friends and prayers saved my life at age 75.

Plant power: Using diet to lower cancer risk Blog Posts
Fruits and veggies may lower the risk of certain types of cancer. Learn how phytochemicals found in plants protect your body from damage and slow down cancer processes.

Test your CPAP IQ Blog Posts
Continuous positive airway pressure therapy is a proven treatment for sleep apnea. Take a quiz to get answers to learn more about this therapy, including if it can improve golf scores.