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How to prevent an ACL injury Blog Posts
Snap, crackle and pop may be welcome sounds at the breakfast table. But when you hear a pop on the playing field, it’s not something to cheer. A torn ACL usually is a season-ending injury.

Let's talk low libido Blog Posts
It may feel uncomfortable to talk about low libido. Yet, a better understanding of some of the issues, causes, myths and treatments may help put you in the mood more often.

5 ways to get better sleep Blog Posts
Restless nights tossing and turning can leave you feeling tired. If you have trouble falling or staying asleep, learn how to observe your sleep patterns and try five ways to improve your sleep.

The 5 elements of fitness Blog Posts
Variety is key to a healthy diet. It turns out, it's also key to a healthy fitness routine. Incorporate these five fitness elements to ensure success.

Why take vitamin and mineral supplements? Blog Posts
While dietitians recommend you get vitamins and minerals through your diet, this isn't always possible. If you don't consume enough fruits and vegetables, a multivitamin may fill nutritional gaps.

An introduction to probiotics Blog Posts
While medical science works to further understand the human microbiome's role in your daily health, answers to common questions can help you better understand probiotics.

Don’t be fooled by glaucoma — the silent sight thief Blog Posts
Glaucoma, sometimes called the silent thief of sight, is a group of eye conditions that damage the optic nerve, which is critical for good vision. Learn what to do to protect and secure your sight.

Is urine incontinence normal for women? Blog Posts
Although urine incontinence, or the involuntary leakage of urine, is a common symptom that affects 1 in 2 women, it's not normal. Learn about evaluation and treatment options.

Gluten-free: What does that mean? Blog Posts
A gluten-free diet helps manage symptoms of celiac disease and other medical conditions associated with gluten. Find out how it can affect your overall nutritional needs.

Kale: Discover the 'secret powers' of this superfood Blog Posts
Kale earns the title "superfood" due to the vitamins A, B6, C, K, folate, fiber, carotenoids and manganese it contains. Find out why its color, texture and peppery flavor also make it a mealtime super...