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Safety tips to prevent heat-related illness Blog Posts
Staying cool when temperatures soar can be difficult. Read why it's vital to know the signs and symptoms of heat-related illness, and get tips to prevent heat exhaustion and heatstroke.

5 things to know during upper respiratory illness season Blog Posts
Colder temps and holiday festivities encourage us to gather inside, raising the risk of upper respiratory illnesses. Know what to do and where to go for worsening symptoms.

6 common flu misconceptions Blog Posts
Common myths about the flu may keep you from taking the necessary steps to protect yourself from the illness. Learn the truth about lowering your risk — starting with the annual flu vaccine.

Expert answers about new COVID-19 vaccine Blog Posts
The FDA approved a COVID-19 vaccine that targets current variants. A Mayo Clinic expert explains who should get this vaccine and if it can be given at the same time as the annual influenza vaccine.

At-home COVID-19 tests: What to know about expiration dates, new variants Blog Posts
A Mayo Clinic expert shares what you need to know about expiration dates for at-home COVID-19 tests. Find out if these tests can detect new COVID-19 variants and what to do if the test is positive.

Getting to the heart of the matter: Women and cardiovascular disease Blog Posts
Are you feeling chest pain? Tingling or numbness in your left shoulder? Nausea? You might be having a heart attack — but you might not realize it.

The importance of movement Blog Posts
Movement. It seems like the simplest thing in the world. Our bodies are designed to run, jump and manipulate objects. But how often do we use our bodies at their full potential?

Proton beam therapy changes a Mayo Clinic patient's life Blog Posts
An average kindergartner goes to birthday parties, builds forts and starts learning how to read. But she doesn't plan on getting cancer. When Anika Chesak was diagnosed with rhabdomyosarcoma &mda...

Student makes helicopter model with help from Mayo Clinic Medical Transport Blog Posts
When fourth grade students in Cameron Elementary School in Cameron, Wis. were assigned a project about maintaining good health, Logan Crawford knew exactly what he wanted to do: build a model of a May...

Recognizing seasonal affective disorder Blog Posts
When the smell of wood smoke fills the air and night falls before dinner, rest assured that autumn has turned to winter. But somewhere between the backyard bonfires and sipping hot cocoa, a less pleas...