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5 things to know about stroke Blog Posts
Strokes can happen to anyone at any time. You can go from feeling as usual to feeling sick within a matter of seconds. Be prepared to spot the signs of stroke using these five things to know.

'Tech neck': Technology's effect on your neck Blog Posts
Almost half of Americans report using their smartphones four to five hours daily. Your posture and the time spent using a screened device can increase your chances of having a "tech neck."

Volunteers polish skills, stay active Blog Posts
Neal and Claudia Coit volunteer at the same location, but each found an opportunity that fits them best. Read about what they do and why it keeps them coming back.

Family history, ethnicity give insights into glaucoma Blog Posts
Anyone can get glaucoma, but certain families, and particularly African Americans, are most susceptible. Learn more about this sight-stealing disease and how screening can protect your vision.

Fast facts on fats and heart health Blog Posts
Some fats are healthier for your heart than others. But how can you tell? Learn about each of the main types of fats, which to keep on hand and which ones you should try to avoid.

Bronchiolitis in children: Understanding cause, symptoms, concerns Blog Posts
For parents, the symptoms of a viral illness are worrisome in infants and young children. Learn about a lower respiratory viral infection called bronchiolitis and symptoms to watch for in children.

Boost vitamin C with in-season citrus Blog Posts
Not only do the sunny colors and flavors of citrus fruits brighten meals, the vitamin C these foods contain is vital to your health. Learn more how easy it is to add to your diet.

Can taking a cold plunge after your workout be beneficial? Blog Posts
Immersing in frigid water may not seem like it would be good for your health. Find out why research is showing that a cold plunge can reduce inflammation and soreness, as well as give your mood a lift...

Freezing preserves food freshness, flavor Blog Posts
From reducing food waste to stretching your food budget, freezing foods at home is an easy, convenient way to preserve freshness and flavors. Check out these tips for best results.

Are you mindlessly munching or sensibly snacking? Blog Posts
Smart snacking plays a role in your energy level, daily nutrients and weight management. Get expert tips to plan your snacks, evaluate hunger cues and make every nutrient-dense bite count.