Talking with your primary care provider about as chest discomfort, shortness of breath and fainting can determine if you need a referral to a cardiologist for individualized treatment.
When Susan Mensch had her first total knee replacement in 2017, she spent three nights in the hospital. This time, she had a new option: same-day surgery.
Running doesn't require much gear, but well-fitting, running-specific shoes are a must. Start by shopping at a specialty shoe store and keep these expert tips in mind to ensure a good fit.
The next time you're in the grocery store produce section or at the farmer's market, check out the radishes. They pack a lot of flavor and nutrients in a small package.
Parents often think to protect their children's skin with sunscreen when going outside. But what about protecting their eyes? Do children need sunglasses?
While many women talk about breastfeeding, stretch marks and hot flashes, few discuss pelvic organ prolapse and its effects. Get answers to questions about this common condition.
Nightmares can be scary. What can you do the next time your child awakens in the middle of the night with a nightmare? Be patient, calm and reassuring using these tips.
Stroke recovery can be difficult and takes time. But the good news is that a diversified team of health care specialists is available to help each patient.