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Don't delay getting your child vaccinated for COVID-19 Blog Posts
With the emergence of the delta and omicron variants, it's more important than ever to protect children with a vaccine. Read about one family's decision to have their son vaccinated, and learn how to ...

Cancer survivor walks on sunny side of street Blog Posts
Jennie Spencer makes good use of her time while receiving treatments for acute lymphoblastic leukemia. Watch a video as she returned for treatment with a surprise for her care team.

Hospice care makes difference for family affected by lifelong illness Blog Posts
The care provided through hospice made a difference for Ashley Evenson and her family during Ashley’s lifelong illness. Ashley’s mom shares why an early referral to hospice can help everyone involved.

Getting to the heart of it: Irregular patterns alert to alarming condition Blog Posts
Dan O'Bryan didn't think his mild symptoms were anything to worry about. The Mayo Clinic team remotely monitoring his heart saw something different and urgent.

Quick, easy online scheduling for COVID-19 test offers reassurance to traveling family Blog Posts
When Mark Veldhuizen started showing COVID-19 symptoms while traveling with his family, as someone with cancer, he knew he needed to be seen quickly. Through online scheduling, he got an appointment t...

Upper airway stimulation therapy restores couple's restful nights Blog Posts
Jerry Wojtkiewicz woke up many mornings more tired than when he went to bed because of sleep apnea. Now, he's sleeping well and waking refreshed thanks to upper airway stimulation therapy.

New lease on life starts with bilateral hip replacement Blog Posts
After surviving an extraordinary health crisis, Steve Knutson had bilateral hip replacement to reduce pain and increase mobility. Now he's back to doing what he loves.

Sudden cardiac arrest sidelines coach during game Blog Posts
When football coach Brad Wendland collapsed on the sidelines, Mayo Clinic Health System staff jumped into action. Learn how their quick response saved his life.

Online scheduling saves time for busy grandmother Blog Posts
Ellen Mihm knows what brings her joy: travel and spending time with her grandkids — and not waiting on hold to schedule appointments. That's why she likes the easy online scheduling options...

'Every day you don't lose, you are winning' Blog Posts
Jennifer Summers is thrilled she can carry a 32-ounce water bottle. This may not feel like an important feat to some, but it's momentous those with spinal muscular atrophy. Read how a specialized trea...