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Same-day joint replacement surgery possible Blog Posts
It's now possible to return home the same day after knee or hip replacement surgery. Learn about this safe option and the "prehab" you'll get the day before.

Managing pain, swelling during marathon training Blog Posts
Everyone has heard the saying "No pain, no gain." If you're training for race, chances are you've felt some pain. Here's how to keep working toward your goal.

9 tools for helping your child manage anxiety Blog Posts
Anxiety in children is normal. It can help with motivation and avoiding danger. But if your child's anxiety seems excessive, use these tools to work through it, restore confidence and know when to see...

Hit it on the nose: Deviated septum Q&A Blog Posts
Love or loathe it, your nose is a key part of your visual identity. One of the most common nose deformities is a deviated septum. Here are answers to 10 common questions about this condition.

Start savoring your homegrown nutrition Blog Posts
Whether you plant a pot of tomatoes, tend rows of vegetables or love visiting a farmers market, now's the time to start savoring summer's bounty. Give these good-eating ideas a try.

Eye health: Myths and facts Blog Posts
Did anyone ever tell you not to cross your eyes because they might stay that way? Learn the facts about this and five other common eye health myths.

Corn: A versatile, nutritious choice Blog Posts
Corn is one of the most versatile grains consumed worldwide. Now that roadside stands have an abundance of corn, learn about the health benefits, and how to choose and prepare it.

Promoting healthy body image in children, teens Blog Posts
The quest for a perfect body can take a heavy toll on your child. Learn how to help them develop and maintain a healthy body image and self-esteem.

Standing all day at work? 7 tips to lower varicose vein risk Blog Posts
Many jobs require standing most of the day, increasing the risk for varicose veins. Get 7 tips to ease symptoms and improve the health of your legs.

Helping your child's education through an IEP or 504 plan Blog Posts
Two U.S. programs give students with a disability equal access to education. Learn about the differences between plans, and the role of your child's primary care provider.