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5 most common types of chronic pain treated by neurosurgeons Blog Posts
Nearly 100 million Americans experience chronic pain ranging from back pain to headaches. Read about the most common types evaluated and treated by neurosurgeons.

An introductory guide to understanding dementia, Alzheimer’s disease Blog Posts
If you or a loved one is experiencing memory loss, dementia or Alzheimer’s disease could be the cause. Learn more about these conditions, their symptoms, diagnosis and treatment.

3D tattooing after breast reconstruction Blog Posts
A tattoo often marks a milestone or celebrates a moment, including after having breast cancer. Learn how a 3D tattoo can help restore the appearance of the breast after reconstructive surgery.

Can expressing gratitude improve your mental, physical health? Blog Posts
Studies show that feeling grateful improves health, but the brain is designed to problem-solve rather than appreciate. Learn how to reap the benefits of gratitude with a daily activity.

Racing heart beat? Heart arrhythmia 101 Blog Posts
A fast heart rate is common when you're exercising, or feeling excited or nervous. But what's happening when your heart rhythm changes unexpectedly?

Get healthy, stay safe outside in spring Blog Posts
Spring is a wonderful time to get outside and be active. Here's some tips to ensure your family is safe while enjoying the outdoors.

A doctor's warning about the dangers of vaping Blog Posts
Nicotine is addictive regardless of the delivery method, including cigarettes or electronic cigarettes. Get the ugly truth, learn the warning signs and talk to your kids about the dangers of vaping.

Tips to keep stress from hurting your heart Blog Posts
Stress can wreak havoc on your health, impacting your risk of developing serious issues like heart disease. Identifying your stress triggers is the first step in the stress management process.

Could my child have autism spectrum disorder? Blog Posts
Increasing awareness of autism spectrum disorder aims to bring an understanding of autism and inspire a kinder, more inclusive world. Learn about the signs of autism and when to seek care.

Spring into better health: The freezer edition Blog Posts
Spring cleaning your freezer is not only a way to find out what's on the bottom. It can help you make healthy choices. Here's some suggestions to get you started.