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Now is the right time for advance directives Blog Posts
The best time to make an advance care plan is now. Starting a conversation about advance health care planning can be challenging, but it’s important. Here's what you need to know to get started.

5 common misconceptions about vertigo, dizziness Blog Posts
Short-term bouts of dizziness or vertigo affect about one-third of Americans. Learn about the causes and 5 common misconceptions of these sensations.

Q&A: Osteopathic medicine Blog Posts
Osteopathic medicine is a growing branch of medicine. Learn more about this whole-person approach to identifying and treating the cause of illness.

Tips for wearing a mask while exercising Blog Posts
You might think a mask is a barrier to working out away from home. Read these FAQ to help you figure out the safest approach to staying active.

Don’t just sit there: Exercises for the office Blog Posts
If your job has you sitting at desk most of the day, that can be tough on your body. Here's some tips to ease the stiffness and soreness to keep you alert and focused.

FAQ: Your care team Blog Posts
Your care needs are important, which is why we provide a team-based approach. Learn more about care team collaboration and how it can benefit you.

3 reasons young adults need a primary care provider Blog Posts
If you're a young adult, is preventive health at the top of your to-do list? Learn why having a primary care provider is an investment to help you stay healthy now and into the future.

Ways for seniors to remain active during winter Blog Posts
Physical activity is good for people of all ages, especially seniors. Here are tips to keeping moving even during winter's cold, dark days.

13 tips for managing teen acne Blog Posts
While acne is common among teens, it can be embarrassing and sometimes difficult to treat. You and your teen can help manage or eliminate acne by following these 13 expert tips.

Strategies to control portions Blog Posts
Knowing how to eat healthier can help you take control of how much you eat each day. Start with these tips to remind you of easy ways to judge food portions.