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5 common questions about Braxton Hicks contractions Blog Posts
If you're pregnant, you may have heard about Braxton Hicks contractions and want to know more about them. Here are answers to 5 common questions about these "false labor" pains.

Healthy weight in children starts with healthy habits Blog Posts
Experts agree the sooner in life that you build good, healthy habits, the easier it is to keep them and stay as healthy as possible. Get tips to help children create good habits for healthy weight.

Tips for mindful snacking Blog Posts
When feeling stressed or bored, people often turn to food to cope. It's easy to reach for a snack if you don't have a plan for what and when to eat. Learn easy ways to be mindful about snacking.

Healthy habits for families Blog Posts
Raising a family isn't always easy. It can be hard to make healthy choices when life is hectic. These tips can help you create healthy habits and make smart choices for your family early on.

Know your numbers: What is your heart rate? Blog Posts
The better you understand your heart rate, the more you can maximize your movement to give your heart a good workout. Learn why your heart rate matters and how to find your target heart rate.

Know your numbers: Cholesterol Blog Posts
You can lower your risk of heart disease, stroke and peripheral artery disease by keeping your cholesterol at normal levels. Here's what you need to know.

5, 4, 3, 2, 1: Countdown to take control of anxiety Blog Posts
Feeling anxious now and then is common, but you can manage those feelings. Take control the next time your mind is stuck on the worry setting with these steps.

Chronic sinusitis: More than a stuffy nose Blog Posts
Nasal congestion with a cold or allergy is common. But a long-lasting stuffy nose may be caused by chronic sinusitis. Read a Q&A about this condition and finding relief.

Cleaner air: Another layer of protection from airborne particles Blog Posts
Your lungs work hard. Having clean air helps prevent illness and reduces the transmission of airborne viruses. Here are some ideas for improving the air quality in your home.

Returning to work after maternity leave: Tips, tricks to keep organized, decrease anxiety Blog Posts
Going back to work after maternity leave can be difficult. It's vital for you and your baby to feel supported. Get tips to help you physically and emotionally prepare.