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Suicide crisis: How to develop your safety plan Blog Posts
A three-digit number — 988 — provides immediate help during a mental health crisis. While the hotline helps those in crisis get support, a crisis safety plan can help identify the warning signs.

What's the latest buzz on energy drinks? Blog Posts
When you feel like a lift, a caffeinated beverage, from coffee to an energy shot, may be your top choice. What's the latest on the health benefits and risks of these buzzy drinks?

Don’t let shin splints halt your workout Blog Posts
Experiencing throbbing pain down the front of your lower legs when you work out? You may have shin splints. Learn how to speed your recovery.

Surgical options when a gland goes awry Blog Posts
The endocrine system regulates hormone levels in your body. But sometimes it doesn't work properly. Learn when you may need surgery and about the safer, more effective surgical advancements.

Add health checkup to teens' back-to-school list Blog Posts
In addition to buying school supplies and signing up for activities, be sure to schedule your child for a well-teen visit. This checkup helps ensure your child is ready for the year ahead.

Winter night fun: Ways to embrace the season and beat the winter blues Blog Posts
The long nights of winter can get you down, but they also offer magical ways to be active outdoors and lift your mood. Explore the dark with these ideas.

8 common sleep study questions Blog Posts
Fifty million U.S. adults don't get enough sleep. Read 8 Q&A to discover how a sleep study can shed light onto what's happening during the dark of night.

Memory lapses: Normal aging or something more? Blog Posts
Memory lapses and modest decline in thinking skills are common with age. How do you know it's a sign of something more? Learn what to watch for and get tips for coping with memory loss.

Current sexually transmitted infection trends Blog Posts
There are discouraging trends in the prevalence of sexually transmitted infections. Get the facts about the most common types, the potential long-term health consequences and what you can do to protec...

Kindness in action brings healthy rewards Blog Posts
Kindness is more than feeling grateful. Learn how intentional acts of kindness can positively impact your life and create a happier, healthier you.