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Diabetes educator helps Ron Jannicke adjust to new diagnosis Blog Posts
Eau Claire resident Ron Jannicke admits he’s flirted with diabetes and elevated A1-C counts over the past decade or so. That changed recently, after Jannicke, 70, was prescribed prednisone. He suddenl...

Lucky to be with us Blog Posts
When an infant suffers a stroke in utero, the effects of the stroke can impact the child for life. If treated promptly, the complications from a stroke can greatly be reduced. Read on to learn how one...

Mayo Clinic staff experiences collaborative care firsthand after stroke Blog Posts
The week after The Register's Annual Great Bike Ride Across Iowa, Dave Berg was feeling great. But he didn't realize he would soon be the beneficiary of coordinated care after having a stroke.

Coordinated stroke care means improved outcomes Blog Posts
When 62-year-old Mankato resident Dale Hachfeld’s coworkers first heard him slurring his words, they thought he was trying to be funny. But when his left side gave way and he started to fall over, his...

Making every Mother’s Day count Blog Posts
Almost everyone knows someone who has been affected by cancer. Like most people, I never thought it would happen to me. Then one day, there it was — a lump.

Learning how to smile again Blog Posts
At age 15, Temeka Wirkkala had been a rising star athlete at her high school in Red Wing, Minnesota. During a basketball game, Wirkkala went up for a shot, and her opponent took her to the ground. Upo...

A new me: Learning to live well with chronic conditions Blog Posts
Living with a chronic condition can be a challenge. Just ask Barb Welch. She lives with two of them. “I have diabetes and arthritis,” Welch says. “I have a lot of aches and pain...

After breast cancer, simple tasks become extraordinary feats Blog Posts
At 31 years old with a young daughter and the natural inclination to go, go, go, slowing down was hard for Lindsey Bruns to imagine. However, Bruns, a business owner and Mankato resident, was forced t...

From heart surgery to hunting: Man back doing what he loves Blog Posts
Jim Hurt finds satisfaction in doing a good day’s work and spending time with his family. Both of those were threatened when he learned that he needed further testing of his heart during a routi...

Scheduling a mammogram through the patient portal Blog Posts
For some patients, it can sometimes be difficult to understand people over the phone. Learn why Muntaha Mansour chooses to schedule her appointments online, including a recent mammogram.