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Are OTC hearing devices a good fit for you? Blog Posts
Pharmacies and other retailers soon will offer over-the-counter hearing devices for people with moderate hearing loss. Here's what you should know before you buy.
Early treatment critical for Peyronie's disease Blog Posts
Peyronie's disease occurs when scar tissue develops on the penis. It can cause pain, deformity, shortening and anxiety. Learn how early treatment can improve symptoms or stop it from getting worse.
Boost your brain with boredom Blog Posts
A little boredom can be a good thing. It can simulate creativity and problem-solving, while recharging the brain. Get tips to give your brain a boost and overcome feeling uncomfortable being bored.
Treatment options for men with urinary leakage Blog Posts
Urinary incontinence is a common condition. Learn why it can be particularly troublesome for men, and about treatment options to improve symptoms and bring comfort.
Genetic testing gives insight into cardiac conditions Blog Posts
Inherited genetic mutations can predispose you to develop certain cardiac conditions. Identifying genetic variants that increase the risk of these diseases allows you to make informed health choices.
How one tendon can throw you off your stride Blog Posts
Injuring your Achilles tendon can bring activities like running, tennis, golf and walking the dog to a halt for months while you heal. Learn who's at risk and how to avoid injury.
Living with bipolar disorder Blog Posts
Bipolar disorder causes extreme mood swings of emotional highs with energy and euphoria, and lows of depression and hopelessness. Learn the symptoms and strategies for living with this condition.
Young man's disease: Testicular cancer Blog Posts
Testicular cancer is considered a young man's disease because it's most common under age 45. The bad news is there is no way to prevent it, but the good news is that it's highly curable. Get the facts...
Link between food and bladder symptoms Blog Posts
The foods you eat give your body energy and nutrition. But they can irritate the bladder, and worsen overactive bladder symptoms and pain. Here's what foods to limit or avoid.
Posture: More than standing up straight Blog Posts
Poor posture and movement patterns can lead to pain and inability to make certain moves. Four strategies can help you avoid and alleviate these issues, and improve your overall well-being.