Kathleen Stewart wasn't surprised at her breast cancer diagnosis, but she was surprised to learn about the Goldilocks reconstruction option. Here's how it can help women in similar situations.
While waiting for her husband at their clinic, Colleen Lundequam had no warning before she went into cardiac arrest. Quick action by the clinic's team made all the difference in her good-news recovery...
Two years ago, Dick Cagle applied for a Freedom Honor Flight to D.C. that honors veterans. He wasn't on the list yet, but the Navy vet's hospice team made sure this was one flight he wouldn't miss.
Over summer break, kids can lose new skills learned during the school year. As a parent or caregiver, try these fun, creative tips to help kids retain learning.
While baby formula is in short supply right now, you may be tempted to water it down or use homemade formula. Learn why this can be dangerous, and get advice for getting formula for your baby.
The first sign of trouble was a strange sensation in Dolores Brumm’s right arm. Just a few minutes later, the 88-year-old Eitzen resident knew something was definitely wrong.
Like many of us, Leslie Swoboda has struggled with her weight for years. She'd tried various weight loss programs, dropping pounds periodically just to regain them after falling back into old habits.
Todd Larson was splitting wood when he felt a pain in his chest. He then did what many men do when experiencing the telltale sign of a heart attack: he went into denial.