If you need to test for COVID-19, Mayo Clinic health experts remind you not to go to the emergency department as it is for patients with life-threatening needs.
Weight management is a skill. And like any skill, you need to practice it over and over again. You may be under the misunderstanding that you should be able to “just do it.”
The paradoxical adoption of psychiatric symptoms in language have been addressed, which would indicate acceptance. Yet, the continued stigma someone with an actual mental illness faces is alive and we...
Curious children are more likely to learn and retain information, and stay involved and do better in school. Get 8 tips to nurture and develop children's curiosity, and have fun exploring with your fa...
Ovarian cancer takes the lives of thousands of women each year. Knowing symptoms and risk factors can increase your chances of early diagnosis and recovery.
Do your daily responsibilities and obligations leave you feeling stretched thin, stressed or anxious? Learn how setting boundaries can be a powerful tool for your mental and emotional health.
Racing heart, trembling body and scattered mind. Anxiety is common and can overtake your emotions and life. Discover practical strategies to build resiliency when faced with your anxiety triggers.
"You are what you eat." This is true when considering foods that impact heart health. Here are four tips for incorporating foods in your diet that are heart-healthy and delicious.