Cal Sharpsteen was stillborn at 38 weeks, but he lives on through "Cal's Corner," a cart filled with books donated by his parents for other grieving families who have lost a child.
Breathing is an automatic function that most people don't think about until it becomes difficult. Read how the Mayo Clinic Store supports Marie's journey with COPD.
A seemingly innocent fall led to a race against time, an emergency craniotomy and an incredible road to recovery for young Livia. Here's how the care team came together in her moment of need.
Running is one of the world's most popular sports, hobbies and ways of staying fit. But it can lead to the occasional injury. Get tips from a physical therapist for a successful run.
Viral infections are as common as they are frustrating, but your body is designed to fight them. Learn the difference between bacteria and viruses, and why antibiotics may not be necessary.
Wildfire smoke can affect air quality in areas thousands of miles away from active wildfires. Learn how to monitor air quality indexes to be aware of the air pollution in your area.
The vulva is made up of mucous membranes, several glands, and highly innervated and sensitive skin and hair follicles. This makes it one of the most anatomically and physiologically intricate body par...
You probably remember having some form of the safe sex talk with your parents or other adults with the focus around pregnancy prevention. It's equally important to talk about sexually transmitted infe...