From a tickle in your throat to a chronic cough, you may wonder why you are coughing so much. Learn how to distinguish if your cough is a minor inconvenience or a sign of illness.
Tightness in your chest, pain in your jaw and shortness of breath. Are these signs you're having a heart attack? Learn why recognizing the symptoms and calling 911 are vital during a heart attack.
Eye contact is an important nonverbal communication skill. But for George Frank, this wasn't possible. Read about a surgery that changed the muscles around his eye to align his crossed eyes to improve...
After discovering an odd lump on his arm, Jerry Haines was diagnosed with non-Hodgkin's lymphoma. Now he's cancer-free thanks to the work of his hometown team.
As you’re burning up the miles, you’re giving your body the fuel it needs to go the distance. One important thing to remember as your body works to recover between runs and workouts is to make sure yo...
Duane Kostman was planning to fill a bird feeder in his yard. It’s something he does often, but this time the peaceful pastime took a painful turn. Duane slipped and fell — hard.
After Grace Andersen was diagnosed with leukemia and underwent a transplant, she developed bladder inflammation caused by a bacterial infection. When medications didn't work, she tried hyperbaric oxyg...
Winter is beautiful, but the cold, ice and snow can be treacherous for many people. Learn how smart decisions can keep you safe — and out of the emergency department — during the winter se...
Lorin Divine is a string musician incorporating music into his role as a nurse with the Mayo Clinic Advanced Care at Home Program. Learn how his music helps patients.