Orthopedics & Orthopedic Surgery
Total Joint Classes in Red Wing
The total joint class is a pre-requisite for all Mayo Clinic Health System patients scheduled for joint replacement surgery. Our goal is for patients to have a successful surgery without complications. The class informs patients and their support system of what to prepare for prior to surgery as well as what to expect from the day they are admitted to the day they are discharged.
Patients who know what to expect and who are active in their plan of care experience less anxiety, less pain and are able to participate in therapy sooner, all of which put the patient at less risk for post-operative complications.
Classes are offered on a weekly basis and led by a multidisciplinary team which includes registered nurses, physical therapists, occupational therapists, pharmacists and social workers. Most of the class content is available for patients and their support team to take home and review, as well as a list of local resources, such as where to obtain equipment and rehabilitation center options for those that are not going home immediately. During one of your orthopedic visits prior to surgery, your nurse will help get you registered for the class most convenient for you.
Total Joint Class schedule:
- Tuesdays, 9 to 11:30 a.m.
- 3rd Floor Classroom
- Mayo Clinic Health System in Red Wing