Seminary Professional Building
Contact Us
Hospice location:
906 College Ave., Red Wing
Mailing address:
701 Hewitt Blvd., Red Wing
Hospice Services in Red Wing
Hospice in Red Wing provides exceptional care for people in the final stages of life. Our mission is to provide comfort care by managing pain and symptoms of an advanced illness. Our team prepares an individualized care plan to help patients live each day to the fullest.
The Hospice team provides care wherever the patient calls home. The home can be a private residence, apartment, town house, assisted living facility, independent living facility, nursing home or group home.
Hospice is appropriate for people with a limited life expectancy who no longer wish to pursue aggressive treatment. The goal of hospice care is to eliminate pain while providing guidance and support to our patients and their families. Hospice can be discontinued and resumed at any time.
Hospice services offered include:
- Regular visits from nurses available 24/7/365
- Aides who assist with personal care needs
- Social workers who provide support and knowledge of additional resources
- Assistance writing healthcare directives
- Visits from Spiritual Care providers
- Companionship with specially trained hospice volunteers
- Thirteen months of bereavement support for loved ones
- Education for loved ones and caregivers
- Medical supplies and equipment needed at home
- Massage, reflexology, aroma, music, yoga and pet therapies
- Respite and continuous care when needed
Medicare Hospice Benefit under Part A covers hospice completely. This includes all visits made by our Hospice team, any equipment needed for comfort at home and medications related to the terminal diagnosis. Private insurance and Medicaid also cover hospice service, usually in the same way as Medicare.
No one is ever refused hospice services due to inability to pay. Gifts from generous donors help hospice meet the needs of our patients.
Requesting hospice services can be done by anyone.

Seminary Professional Building
906 College Ave., Red Wing, MN 55066- Appointments:
- 800-679-9084
- Fax:
- 651-385-3414
- Hospice Hours:
- Mon-Fri:8:00 AM - 5:00 PM