When you have diabetes, you discover there is a lot to learn. You may have questions about nutrition, meal planning, exercise, blood glucose monitoring or insulin injections.
You may also have strong feelings to work through because your lifestyle has changed dramatically, and change can be difficult.
Our goal is to teach you and your family how to manage your disease well. We believe that through knowledge and support, you can achieve healthy living and greater independence.
You are the center of the care team and the focus of everything they do. Treatment decisions are made with you based on goals that are important to you, as you are the key player in controlling your diabetes.
Our multidisciplinary education team will help you learn the concepts and skills necessary for the day-to-day management of diabetes.
Team members may include:
Your physician
Diabetes nurse educators
Registered dietitians
Exercise physiologists
If needed, you may also be referred to other resources, such as Podiatry, Ophthalmology or Social Services.